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Dumplings with feta filling

1 pkg. Potato Dumplings "Engel – Meine Heimatküche"
250 ml water
350 g feta cheese
1 clove garlic

Dumplings with feta filling

Prepare the dumpling dough. For the filling chop basil, garlic and chives and put them into a bowl. Crumble the cheese and knead together all the ingredients for the dough to form a homogenous mixture. Season with pepper. Then form little cookie balls out of the dough put them[...]  in the freezer for 10 [...]minutes (Dumplings should keep the form by filling).

Flatten some dumpling dough with your palm, add cheese filling (balls) and form dumpling. Put the dumplings into the hot salted water. Gently cook them for about 25 minutes.

Serve with fruity tomato Sauce!