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1 pkg. Crêpes & Pancakes "Engel Meine Heimatküche"
220 ml milk
200 ml cream
1 lemon
8 tsp. horse radish
200 g cream cheese
1 bunch dill
  salt and pepper
8 smoked salmon

Wraps filled with salmon

Mix the package content according to the instruction. Heat some oil in a pan and fry the pancakes on both sides in portions (one portion of the dough for one pancake).

Shred the lemon peel and chop dill for the filling. Whip the cream until stiff and then mix together with cream cheese and horse radish. Add grated lemon peel, dill as well as salt and pepper.

Brush the pancakes with the cream-cheese-mass and place smoked salmon. If required the salmon can be sprinkled with the lemon juice.

Finally, roll the pancakes and enjoy your dish!